Climate change is one of the current issues with the most urgency to be discussed.
Climate change is one of the current issues with the most urgency to be discussed.
By Erika Scafuro
Climate change is one of the current issues with the most urgency to be discussed. It has only been a few months since COP26, the United Nations Climate Change Conference, was held in Glasgow – UK and goals have been defined. Countries are being asked to come forward with ambitious 2030 emissions reductions targets as reaching net zero by the middle of the century, protect and restore ecosystems and so on.
Environmental sustainability has become a priority for our generations that are already experiencing problems from pollution and climate change.
So we asked ourselves what is the impact of surfing on the environment? And how can we limit damage to the marine ecosystem through our behaviors and lifestyle?
Surfers, as well as all those who love, respect and value nature for what it gives us, pay attention to the single impact of each and not to leave any trace that could upset the sea and the beach. But perhaps not everyone is up to date on how much the surfing industry is increasingly heading towards greater environmental sustainability that can reduce the use of some substances harmful to the ecosystem.
Ecological solutions are beginning to be found on the market regarding the material with which wetsuits and surfboards are made.
The lifestyle of the individual influences that of the community, if each of us contributes in a small way to increase awareness on the issue of environmental sustainability, the impact that is created can only be positive for the protection of the environment. How? For example by following simple rules such as choosing wetsuits that will last over time and are made from sustainable materials, trying to repair it instead of changing it at the first sign of wear. Follow good habits such as collecting the garbage found on the beach when you go surfing; try to use a wax home created or with biodegradable materials; choose an eco-friendly sunscreen.
More and more associations are struggling to share the message of environmental sustainability, even in the surfing sector.
Every change requires adaptation to be realized, but we need to do all the best to protect what we love most: the sea.
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